With expertise and grounding:

Welcome to FBG!

We are here for you....

... whenever you need us

As a trader, you cannot afford malfunctions or faults. Your are tenant of FBG? We offer our rapid on-site service. We are available at your disposal with our craftsmen from various disciplines.

You can access our technical service division as follows

24-hour phone number: 0471 9732-333

Other telephone numbers for emergencies

If you smell gas, please contact the swb networks at 0471 477-1020 or under 112 to the fire department.

Contact person

Technical Support, Central Telephone Number
Jörg Beutler
Phone: +49 471 97321 0
Fax: +49 471 97321 115
Technical Support, Central Telephone Number
Stephanie Döscher
Phone: +49 471 97321 0
Fax: +49 471 97321 115