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in the world of fishing

Charge up

Our electric vehicle charging stations

We support e-mobilty and future-oriented energies. You can find our electric charging stations here:

FBG electric car in use, Photo: © Martin Peper
FBG electric car in use

To use them, you will need a chip card, the electric charging card which will release the power sockets from the columns, and which will enable the charging cable to connect. Users can obtain an electric charging card for the supply area of FBG, swb and EWE over the counter at the Fischbahnhof, or online at
the websites of energy providers swb and EWE.

Anja Lübben
Central, Office, Ticket Sales
Phone: +49 471 93233 0
Fax: +49 471 93233 15
Gisela Meier
Central, Office, Ticket Sales
Phone: +49 471 93233 0
Fax: +49 471 93233 15